“The Rock Show”: Violenza sulle donne (26-11-19)

November 26, 2019 01:17:28
“The Rock Show”: Violenza sulle donne (26-11-19)
Radio Rock FM 106.6
“The Rock Show”: Violenza sulle donne (26-11-19)

Nov 26 2019 | 01:17:28


Show Notes

Emilio Pappagallo in diretta dalle 07.00 alle 10.00 dal Lunedì al Venerdì sui 106.6 di Radio Rock. In studio Alessandro Tirocchi e Maurizio Paniconi. Podcast del 26 novembre 2019. Playlist taylor hawkins & the coattail riders - crossed the line temple of the dog - say hello 2 heaven bring me the horizon - ludens killers - smile like you mean racounteurs - somedays (i don't feel like trying) strokes - you only live once fatboy slim - the rockafeller skunk lordi - shake the baby silent guns n'roses - paradise city highly suspect - canals nirvana - heart-shaped box Archivio Podcast del THE ROCK SHOW —-> clicca QUI.

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