Alessandro Tirocchi in diretta dalle 07.00 alle 10.00 dal Lunedì al Venerdì sui 106.6 di Radio Rock.
Podcast del 09 luglio 2019.
temples - hot motion
system of a down - toxicity
prodigy - firestarter
editors - frankenstein
avenged sevenfold - shepherd of fire
offspring - why don't you get a job
thom yorke - not the news
green day - know your enemy
motorhead - ace of spades
palaye royale - fucking with my head
bruce springsteen - born to run
led zeppelin - rock and roll
prophets of rage - made with hate
deep purple - fireball
david bowie - space oddity
jj wilde - the rush
steve vai - tender surrender
helloween - hell was made in heaven
nanowar of steel - sottosegretari alla repubblica del true metal
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