“The Rock Show”: Sigle TV (25-06-19)

June 25, 2019 01:29:12
“The Rock Show”: Sigle TV (25-06-19)
Radio Rock FM 106.6
“The Rock Show”: Sigle TV (25-06-19)

Jun 25 2019 | 01:29:12


Show Notes

Emilio Pappagallo diretta dalle 08.00 alle 10.00 dal Lunedì al Venerdì sui 106.6 di Radio Rock.

In studio Alessandro Tirocchi e Maurizio Paniconi.


Podcast del 24 giugno 2019.


liam gallagher - shockwave
aerosmith - dream on
foo fighters - all my life
jacks - walk away
ac/dc - back in black
ghost - faith
sip sip bubblehead - thought you should know
iggy pop - run like a villain
albert hammond jr. - fast times
george ezra feat. first aid kit - saviour
perry farrell - machine girl
discoverland - the drugs don't work

Archivio Podcast del THE ROCK SHOW —-> clicca QUI.

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