“The Rock Show”: Il grande Mazinga (09-11-18)

November 09, 2018 01:30:47
“The Rock Show”: Il grande Mazinga (09-11-18)
Radio Rock FM 106.6
“The Rock Show”: Il grande Mazinga (09-11-18)

Nov 09 2018 | 01:30:47


Show Notes

Emilio Pappagallo in diretta sui 106.6 di Radio Rock, ogni giorno dal Lunedì al Venerdì, dalle 8.00 alle 10.00. In studio Alessandro Tirocchi. Maurizio Paniconi e Boris Sollazzo. Podcast del 09 novembre 2018. Playlist: mustrow - stand the line queens of the stone age - my god is the sun puscifer - the remedy disturbed - the best ones lie offspring - all i want slipknot - all out life royal republic - baby mustasch - libertà backyard babies - thirteen or nothing against me! - people who died la mente di tetsuya - il grande mazinga Archivio Podcast del THE ROCK SHOW —-> clicca QUI.

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