“The Rock Show ESTATE”: Lo sciopero (23-07-19)

July 23, 2019 01:27:32
“The Rock Show ESTATE”: Lo sciopero (23-07-19)
Radio Rock FM 106.6
“The Rock Show ESTATE”: Lo sciopero (23-07-19)

Jul 23 2019 | 01:27:32


Show Notes

Alessandro Tirocchi  in diretta dalle 07.00 alle 10.00 dal Lunedì al Venerdì sui 106.6 di Radio Rock.

Podcast del 23 luglio 2019.


skunk anansie - what you do for love
disturbed - a reason to fight
liam gallagher - the river
queen - bohemian rhapsody
dream theater - the looking glass
korn - you'll never find me
queensryche - i'm american
riverside - vale of tears
palaye royale - fucking with my head
pearl jam - even flow
ac/dc - play ball
ramones - blitzkrieg bop
killswitch angage - i'mn broken too
jaco pastorius - come on, come over
system of a down - aerials
brittany howard - stay high
van halen - hot for teacher
jason becker- altitudes
elio e le storie tese - la ditta

Archivio Podcast del THE ROCK SHOW —-> clicca QUI.

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