“The Rock Show ESTATE”: Disordinato (01-07-19)

July 01, 2019 01:34:02
“The Rock Show ESTATE”: Disordinato (01-07-19)
Radio Rock FM 106.6
“The Rock Show ESTATE”: Disordinato (01-07-19)

Jul 01 2019 | 01:34:02


Show Notes

Alessandro Tirocchi  in diretta dalle 07.00 alle 10.00 dal Lunedì al Venerdì sui 106.6 di Radio Rock.

Podcast del 01 luglio 2019.


korn - you'll never fin me
guns n' roses - it's so easy
jimi hendrix - foxy lady
ghost - faith
queens of the stone age - feet don't fail me
beatles - revolution
miles kane - can you see me
muse - uprising
placebo - the bitter end
public service broadcasting - go!
jj wilde - the rush
janis joplin - pieces of my heart
white lies - take it out on me
alice cooper - school's out
editors - frankenstein
anouk - nobody's wife
led zeppelin - whole lotta love
thom yorke - not the news
dire straits - romeo and juliet
oasis - wonderwall

Archivio Podcast del THE ROCK SHOW —-> clicca QUI.

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