Il Bello e La Bestia (29-10-20)

October 29, 2020 01:41:42
Il Bello e La Bestia (29-10-20)
Radio Rock FM 106.6
Il Bello e La Bestia (29-10-20)

Oct 29 2020 | 01:41:42


Show Notes

Podcast del 29 ottobre 2020. Playlist architects - animals charlatans - the only one i know the police - every little thing is magic supertramp - child of vision bad religion - what are we standing for depeche mode - master and servant pogues - lorca's novena u2 - with or without you buzzcocks - ever fallen in love violent femmes - gone daddy gone radiohead - street spirit (fade out) soundgarden - blow up the outside world Archivio Podcast di Il Bello e la Bestia—-> clicca QUI.

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