“Gagarin”: 09-12-19

December 09, 2019 02:01:54
“Gagarin”: 09-12-19
Radio Rock FM 106.6
“Gagarin”: 09-12-19

Dec 09 2019 | 02:01:54


Show Notes

Boris Sollazzo e Tatiana Fabbrizio in diretta sui 106.6 di Radio Rock dal Lunedì al Venerdì. Podcast del 09 dicembre 2019. Playlist bokassa - charmed & extremely treacherous gloria gaynor - i will survive the strokes - last nite the cure - a forest billie eilish - everything i wanted prozac + - colla ac/dc - back in black foo fighters - everlong taylor hawkins & the coattail riders - crossed the line depeche mode - where's the revolution pearl jam - better man journey - don't stop believin' bring me the horizon - ludens marlene kuntz - festa mesta giovanni truppi - superman ramones - spiderman calibro 35 - stan lee faith no more - superhero elio e le storie tese - shpalman the stranglers - no more heroes lordi - shake the baby silent fabrizio de andrè - il suonatore jones ray charles - night time is the right time madness - one step beyond Archivio Podcast di Boris e Tatiana —-> clicca QUI.

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