“Aspettando The Rock Show”: Manierismo (28-03-19)

March 28, 2019 00:44:03
“Aspettando The Rock Show”: Manierismo (28-03-19)
Radio Rock FM 106.6
“Aspettando The Rock Show”: Manierismo (28-03-19)

Mar 28 2019 | 00:44:03


Show Notes

Alessandro Tirocchi Maurizio Paniconi in diretta dalle 06.00 alle 08.00 dal Lunedì al Venerdì sui 106.6 di Radio Rock.

Podcast del 28 marzo 2019.


billie eilish - wish you were gay
megadeth - the killing road
cure - close to me
jim jones and the righteous mind - satan's got his heart set on you
judas priest - never the heroes
danko jones - my little rock n roll
rolling stones - don't stop
virginiana miller - lovesong
black stone cherry - soul machine
led zeppelin - good times bad times

Archivio Podcast del THE ROCK SHOW —-> clicca QUI.

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